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Engage To Retain More Leisure Members 

Effective member engagement at all stages of the member journey requires the right data. Yet, recent research suggests that operators are missing opportunities to track member behaviours and react to…

How & When To Address Cancellations 

Should you try to win back leisure members who cancel? The answer is not straightforward. Working out how to effectively handle cancellations requires careful consideration. There is no one-size-fits-all approach…

Quiet Quitters: Reduce Silent Cancellations 

Many leisure operators face a common attrition challenge. Silent cancellations. Members are quietly quitting without telling operators why, often cancelling indirectly. This article explores this challenge and how you can…

How To Create Personalised Member Experiences

More engaging and tailored experiences are a trend in almost every sector. Customers are demanding more of that all-important personal experience, and the leisure sector is no exception.  Members want…